Does insurance cover the Reed Procedure®?

Absolutely, we gladly accept insurance for the Reed Procedure® from most major medical insurance providers. Your insurance company will determine your specific benefits, considering your policy and medical background. The only exceptions right now are Medicaid, United Healthcare, and Worker’s Compensation – those we’re not able to accommodate at this time.

Our US Migraine insurance experts boast over 25 years of experience working seamlessly with all carriers. They’re pros at verifying benefits and securing pre-certification for the Reed Procedure®, ensuring a smooth journey. Our commitment to openness means our specialists will keep you informed throughout the process. The crucial part? You’ll receive confirmation of your insurance coverage before any procedures take place.

We are your Advocate

We know that dealing with insurance can be a hassle and take up a lot of your time. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in getting the most benefits possible, as quickly as possible. We will work directly with your insurance provider to make the process easier for you.


Absolutely! Before starting any treatments, your insurance provider will need to pre-authorize it to determine if it is medically necessary and covered by them. This may also be referred to as pre-certification or pre-determination. The process usually takes around two to four weeks and includes a review of your medical history, past pain treatments, and may include a psychological evaluation if requested by your insurance provider. If you qualify for treatment, we will require your assistance in completing the pre-authorization process. Our goal is to help alleviate your severe, chronic head pain as quickly as possible. You can trust that we are committed to providing you with insurance assistance that is both efficient and stress-free. If you have any insurance-related questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at (844) 664-4724 during business hours or at (972) 922-1692 outside of business hours.