Am I a Candidate For The Reed Procedure®?

Seeking a safe and efficient solution for chronic migraines? Discover the Reed Procedure®, a minimally invasive treatment that has transformed lives for countless patients struggling with debilitating migraine symptoms. At US Migraine, our accomplished physicians utilize cutting-edge technologies and tailored techniques to deliver personalized care and effective relief to migraine warriors.

Curious about your eligibility for the Reed Procedure? Our expert team is here to assist. Through a comprehensive assessment, we’ll determine if the Reed Procedure® aligns with your treatment needs. In general, if you match the following criteria, you’re likely an ideal candidate.

Chronic Headaches

You experience at least 10 headache days per month.

Severe Head Pain

Your headaches are severely painful and your symptoms are debilitating.

No Lasting Relief

You have tried traditional, more conservative migraine treatments for at least 6 months, but you have not achieved lasting migraine relief.

Could I Be Eligible If I Experience Persistent Head Pain Without a Formal Migraine Diagnosis?

Certainly! No worries if you haven’t been diagnosed with migraines – you’re still a potential candidate for the Reed Procedure®. At US Migraine, our expertise lies in addressing persistent, intense head pain that hasn’t shown improvement with standard treatments, encompassing consistent and frequent head discomfort. The Reed Procedure® has demonstrated remarkable efficacy across a wide spectrum of chronic head pain. If you’ve been diagnosed with chronic head pain, we’re eager to discuss how the Reed Procedure® could be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Contact US Migraine Centers Today

If delving deeper into the Reed Procedure and determining your candidacy piques your curiosity, reach out to US Migraine Centers today to arrange a consultation. Our team is committed to delivering tailored care and potent relief for those grappling with migraines. There’s no need to endure silently – initiate the path to enduring migraine relief today.

Initiate your journey towards migraine relief by contacting US Migraine to schedule a consultation today.